Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anything but Average

I don't know about you, but I do my best listening in the mornings while I'm getting ready. Maybe it's because I am in such a routine of how I do things, that my brain has time to rest and actually hear what the Lord might have to say to me for that day. And it doesn't always work out like that. There are many a mornings when I am so preoccupied with anxieties, fears, and obsessions that I KNOW I have missed out on more than a few conversations with Him.

But THIS morning was not one of those mornings.

The thought that has been ringing in my head this morning has been a statistic I have read several times over the course of this past year while waiting for a baby - "The average couple takes 6-12 months to get pregnant." And by golly, I have been clinging to that stat for a good 8 months. So now, it's been 12 months. Well, crap. Now what???

And as I was getting ready this morning trying to block out the tape that was running in my head,
"the average couple takes 6-12 months.... the average couple takes 6-12 months.... the average couple.... the average couple..."

"What makes you think you are average?"

The thought popped into my head without any warning and caught me completely off guard. And again...

"You are ANYTHING but the average couple..."

Clay and I were driving home from Edmond, OK last night where we had been to see my cousin graduate high school. I love taking road trips with him because it's just us and we always seem to have the best conversations while we're on the road. We started reminiscing about our childhoods and eventually landed on the subject of the early days of our dating.

Going to the pool
Tech football games
Riding around in his Eagle Talon with the windows down listening to 311 blare on the radio
Bahama Bucks
Lots and lots of laughing
Josey's burritos
Late night talks....
Breaking up

Our story, for those of you who know it, is beyond comprehension. How we ever ended up together is still a complete mystery to me. Even more so... the fact that we are now in our 6th year of marriage is yet another mystery. The odds have been against us. Always. We were never meant to end up together and yet we were. And now, I can't even fathom not being right here in this little apartment, with papers scattered all over this table and dishes in the sink.

We are anything but the average couple.

I like that thought. And I know it's true. After all, we are not of this world, we are meant for a life abundant.



Rebekah said...

SO true! Love you both, and you will NEVER be average!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you two met and both love each other so much. I'm so glad you are my sister in law. I love you both!!

Britney K said...

i heart you.