Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do's & Don'ts

I am a rule follower. I like rules. I like lines. I like boundaries. I like knowing what is expected of me. I really... truly... like rules. I find myself making up all kinds of rules for myself:

1. I can get frozen yogurt once a week.
2. If I work out, I can use my special minty shampoo the next morning.
3. If I eat a healthy dinner, I can have dessert.
4. Blog every Friday.
5. Don't text and drive (a rule everyone should have).
6. Everything on my desk must be perfectly straight before I leave the office.
7. Every Tuesday and Thursdays I go to yoga.

the list goes on and on... as you can imagine.

Why do we do this. And don't deny it, I know you do! I can't be the only crazy person on this planet. And when I break one of these so-called "rules" I am completely miserable. For instance, on the way home from picking Clay up from the airport I got in a non Toll Tag line with my Toll Tagged vehicle. I know what you're thinking, "No big deal! Just give them a buck and be on your merry way!" I wish it were that easy. Apparently, there is a whole ordeal you must complete before passing through the kingdom of NTTA: drivers license, Toll Tag number, phone number, drug test, blood type, social security number... ok, I'm exagerrating, but sadly not by much. We must have been there for 10 minutes while this guy filled out a stack of paper work to hand to me before letting me go. RI. DICULOUS.

All that to say -- I was totally P to the Oed. Not at the system!! NOOOOO!!! ME!!! How could I have missed that little glowing orange "T" when pulling up to the stupid booth?? I bet that guy was thinking a few choice words of his own. I WOULD BE!! UGH!!

So here I am now, blogging about it. No one else in this world is thinking about this occurrence except... moi. I'm pretty sure the guy in the booth isn't loosing any sleep over it. So why do things like this bother me so?!?

Cause I like rules. I like to follow them. To. The. Letter. And ya know what? That's impossible. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to get things wrong. I. am. not. perfect. (ouch) I know this, and yet it gets me every time. I had yogurt twice this week. TWICE!!!! And you know what else??? I'm blogging on a Wednesday!!! I should be in bed. I should be getting rest for yet another day of rules, guidelines, staying within the lines and being PERFECT!! It's such hard work!!

Rule #8. I can break any of my rules -- at any time -- for any reason. Boom. Roasted.

~ jess

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