Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What do YOU love?

There are things in this life that make your day a little bit better. We've all got them. Maybe it's a favorite pair of sweat pants. Or maybe it's that one accessory that goes with EVERYTHING. I always love seeing what it is that people can't seem to live without. That's how I roll!
Burt's Bees lip balm. Need I say more? Really? This stuff is amazing and I rarely put anything else on my lips (with the exception of another favorite item of mine....). I love all the different kinds, but I tend to favor the original Beeswax lip balm. If you keep a close eye, you can usually find a multiple pack of Burt's Bees at Marshall's or TJMaxx for a lot cheaper. I got this cute little pouch with 4 different lip balms in it for $5.99!!

Sock thingy's. I think that's their technical name. These are literally the ONLY socks I wear unless I'm at the gym. They fit perfectly under any shoe without showing! And they are totally CUTE! Where do I get these, you ask? Uh... Kroger. That's right. $1 each. BOO YEAH!

Now ya see 'em...
Now ya don't!
Garden of Life Chocolate Macadamia Nut Protein Bar. In a word: YUM. These gluten-free, nutrient packed bars are a MUST for me at work. I get so busy sometimes, I don't have time to eat a real lunch...  ok, I NEVER eat a real lunch. These are delicious! 14 grams of protein. 210 calories. 5 grams of fat. Mmmm... I want one right now!


Yogurtville! I realize that this is not a "thing," but I don't know what I'd do without it. Frozen yogurt places have exploded all over the U.S. in the past couple years and I have been lucky enough to find THE BEST one. The winning combo: Original tart with blueberries, coconut, granola... and if I'm feeling adventurous, peanut butter chips. SO good! Find one near you and GO!

Beauty Rush Soothing Lip Balm by Victoria's Secret. Like I said earlier, this is the only other thing that goes on my lips besides Burt's Bees. This is the glossiest stuff EVER and makes your lips feel silky smooth. I had the hardest time finding a gloss that actually looked glossy... you know what I mean. It lasts forever so go with a girlfriend and buy 2 for $12. Best $6 you'll ever spend.

 Origins Checks and Balances Face Wash. There's a reason this has been Origins number 1 face wash, like, since the beginning of time. It's amazing, works on anyone's skin and smells like a peppermint cloud! I have been using this stuff for probably the past 10 years and I still love it. That's saying something. You can never go wrong with anything Origins, in my opinion. $18.50

What a random assortment of goodness!!

Ok, so I wanna know what YOUR favorite things are and why?? Facebook me or comment at the end of this entry and I'll choose a winner!!

And bragging rights... naturally.



Shan said...

I must agree with the Burt's Bees and the Yogurtville! Bring it on down...

Some things I can't live without:
- MAC cosmetics
- Netflix
- Emma
- Origins Perfect World and Plantscription
- Pandora
- and YOU!!!! :)

Rebekah said...

Glad you're blogging again... maybe you'll inspire me to start back up. :)

My loves...

- iced chai with tapioca bubbles from Fat Straws
- Archer Farms Chocolate hazelnut biscotti cereal (this is a recent find, but definitely at the top of my list now)
- Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves (yes, the Kevin Costner movie, and yes I know its lame, but for some reason I can still watch it over and over)
- bare minerals makeup and brushes
- tivo
- my phone

The Brown Family said...

Now I want a chocolate macadamia nut bar!

My loves:
Naked Juice - particularly strawberry banana
Odwalla Banana Nut Energy Bars
Mint Chapstick (close 2nd is Burts Bees)
Skintimate Shaving Cream
Oh, and my kids, but I can't eat those...

Britney K said...

Seriously SO glad to see you pop up in my goggle reader! I'll be heading to k-rog tomorrow to by sockie thingys.
My favs:
Loreal beauty tubes mascara
Trish makeup brushes
Diet coke
Grey's Anatomy (guilty pleasure)

Morgan said...

Love seeing those I know blogging! My fav things are:

-caramel macciattos
-victoris secrets 'little black noir' perfume
-my new hp floral laptop
-People magazine
-hobo bags
