Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ask & You Shall Receive

There are simply too many things going on in my head to even begin to know what to blog about right now, but I have a few moments to myself and I haven't been here in a while. So, I'll be asking for a little bit of Grace as I allow whatever comes to mind to transfer to the keyboard.

I returned from Colombia a couple weeks ago. It was glorious. Beautiful. Different. Hot. Delicious. Sweet. Fun. Inviting. Touchy Feely. Lovely. Insightful. It's times like those you always look back on and say, "I can't believe I really did that!" Alas, another adventure the Lord has sent me on and I am grateful for the opportunity.

I'm a planner. I know I've discussed this on some level, but I really want you to hear me.

I'm. A planner.

I don't like surprises. I want to know what is going to happen, when it's going to happen and how. I want to be ready. Prepared. For whatever it is. Whatever the situation. No matter what. And when those things don't happen...


This is a problem. Especially when you are familiar with the way the Lord prefers to do things. Now, I don't know if God springs things on ME simply because He knows I'll freak out and He's giving me the opportunity not to.... OR... does He do this with everyone??? Either way, the past year has been a year of failure... on my part. Because when you plan things, according to YOUR way without really asking God's opinion on the matter, you tend to make decisions that end up taking you through a cul-de-sac of disappointment.

"If you'd ONLY wait for me. I've got blessings so big, you can't even IMAGINE THEM!"

Try to wrap your brain around that for a second......

No really...

If I was any kind of a Bible scholar, this would be the part where I quote the scripture where it says something about us not being able to fathom what He has in store for us. Feel free to help me out, if you're picking up what I'm layin' down.

So, all that planning and all that stress and all that panic... for nothing. Completely a waste of time. MY TIME! And I do NOT have time to waste because if you know anything about planners, we don't like to waste time. EFFICIENCY!! CONTROL!! QUICK!! GO!! NOW!!!!!


I'm tired.

"Good, maybe now I can get some work done around here. Why don't you just ask me for what you want, what you need?"

Ok, well wh..... what?? Ask??


I'm pullin' myself up by my own bootstraps here, Lord. I got this. I'll letcha know when I need ya.

Well, when you put it like thaaaaat it sounds silly. But let's get serious. When was the last time you asked the Lord for what you need, much less what you WANT? When? And what did you ask him for? An A on a test? Get you to work on time? Keep you safe on a trip? Heal your friend's dad? Want a baby? Want a new job?  Need a new car? Want some new silverware? Want to go on a vacation with your family? What.... what do you ask for?

I'm not really sure what the right way to go about it is, but Clay and I have some things coming up in our lives that we would love to see happen. Big changes. And by golly... we're gonna start asking for it. Every day.

Whatever blessings You have for us Lord... we want them. Teach us to be gracious receivers of Your blessings and open the floodgates of Heaven. Let it Reign.

"Alright then. Get ready.

Blessings and more blessings,

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