Friday, March 11, 2011

What?? NO CEREAL??!?

So, I work for a wholistic chiropractor (Parker Health Solutions) in Irving, TX. It's really a great story how I even got this job, but we'll save that for another day. Now, I've got to be honest, when I first walked into Dr. Rob's office 5 years ago I did NOT want to be there.

My mom made me go.

I injured my back pretty badly in 2005 doing a really sweet gymnastics move... err... a back-drop pullover (so lame) and had been ignoring it like any self-respecting girl would. I suppose when I was coming home from my coaching job every night crying from the pain, enough was enough. At any rate, I went to this guy's office with little to no expectations and I was pleasantly surprised at what I found.

Def. (Jess's Dictionary) A Wholistic Chiropractor - someone who teaches you to listen and respond to your body in a natural and medicine-free way, if at all possible. Treats the WHOLE body and not just symptoms. And also gives you a good pop when you need it.

Why am I telling you all this? Well first, because it's my blog and I get to write about what I want to write about. And second, I think it's interesting.

So, I've had a lot of digestive issues for a long time. I think most people do, they just don't realize it. Sometimes you don't realize how crappy you feel until you feel really good and then you're like, "Woah! what is this feeling?? I feel... great!"

I've decided to get off of grains completely for 2 weeks. This may sound like not a big deal to some people, but believe me, it is A LOT harder than you think. Geez!! Fruit, vegetables, protein. So, you are basically hungry all the time and therefore eat all the time and yet I have lost 2 pounds!! It's amazing what your body can do when it's not inflamed with toxins. I'm on day 5 of no grains and I am hoping that I'm past the hard part. Everytime I look in our pantry all I see is GRAINS, GRAINS, and MORE DELICIOUS GRAINS!!! And what did I buy just last weekend?? Uh... Girl Scout Cookies. So, I've been watching Clay eat them while I eat my apples and peanut butter. Ugh.

So, we'll see how this goes.


p.s. Be on the lookout for my first giveaway!!! COMING SOON!!

1 comment:

guitar playing mommy said...

cereal was one of the hardest things for me to give up too, but I am highly allergic to most grains so I felt tons better when I finally was able to walk away from it all. Who knows, after two weeks you may decide not to go back!