EV-ERY-THING! If I need a recipe for low fat cornbread? Cooks.com. Need to figure out a way to map out my run that way I know just how many miles I'm running when I run around my neighborhood... mapmyrun.com -- amazing! And today? Well, as you all know Valentine's Day is... well, here, and I was trying to blow up (and tie) some balloons. If you know me at all you will note that this is a HUGE labor of love for me. I hate balloons. I like to get them and that's about it. I hate that they pop. I hate that you never have anywhere to put them. And I hate, I HATE tying them. So, after a good 10 minutes and I'm only on balloon numero dos, the thought hits me.... there must be a better way. And low and behold! SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND!!!! http://www.wikihow.com/Tie-a-Balloon.
I finished those 15 balloons in about 5 minutes. I never thought I'd say this, but.... Thanks, Al Gore!!
disclaimer: the last statement is a sarcastic one. This blogger does not actually think that Al Gore invented the internet. Thank you.

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