Monday, January 14, 2008

This Year.

So this is the year 2008

I've been asking myself what I want to do differently this year. Of course, there are so many things I could change... I mean, I could think of a million and one things. So, I'm just gonna ramble for a little bit.
This year has already begun with a bang... and not a good bang. It's the third week of January and I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things. Clay got a promotion before the break (thank you Jesus), which is awesome, but it does mean that he has to work more. A few late nights a week I guess isn't too bad. I'm really glad my mom and dad live so close or I might be in really bad shape. So, we're learning to adjust to this new lifestyle and new hours. We keep saying that we're going to start going to bed before midnight... buy as you can see that's not happening for me (it's 1:36 am). I have a hard time shutting down at night and have for sometime now. I'm not sure what that is about, but it has gotten really old. I think on average, I get to bed at 2 am. And that can't be good for you.

I'm training for a half marathon. I've never done anything like this before and I'm a little nervous. I've got 6 more weeks before the big day. I do a lot of praying when I run. I think it is amazing how the Lord designed our bodies to withstand so much. He designed us to do so many amazing and wonderful things. Sometime when I'm running and praying I can feel that tingly feeling you get when you know He's just right there with you. I love that. So, February 23rd in Ft. Worth if anyone wants to come out and cheer me on... cause I'm gonna need it.

Our cell group met "officially" for the first time this year on Sunday. We've been contemplating whether we should stay there or branch out. But this Sunday sure was powerful. At the end of all our talking we each took a turn prophesying (sp) over each other. I've never really done anything like that and wasn't really sure how to do it. In fact, I just sat there until everyone else had gone... waiting for the Lord to give me some kind of magical feeling so that I would know who I was suppose to speak over and know exactly what I was going to say. Well, that never happened. I'm learning that it doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes the feeling doesn't come until after we open our mouths. I wonder if He just wants to see if we trust Him enough to start speaking. And when I did, I had things to say that I never would have thought of had I not been under the influence of the Almighty. It's overwhelming really... why does He choose us? Why me? After all that I've done and haven't done. After all the times He's asked me to do something and I've conveniently been deaf. He still keeps trying and gives us chance after chance. Why wouldn't anyone want to serve a God like that?

If you read through all those ramblings, I hope that it made sense and that maybe there was something in there you needed to hear. Sometimes I feel like I'm so full of... something, that if I don't just write stuff or talk it out I'll explode.

And if you're reading this and you don't believe in something. I encourage you to try talking to the Lord, Jesus, God. Just try it and see if it doesn't make a difference in your life. See if you can feel that tingly feeling. He's always right there with you... I think He just gives us a little nudge sometimes to remind us of how real He is. And He is... so real.


Britney K said...

Ok seriously I am SO glad to have discovered you...well that you discovered me and then I could discover you! I will be your new blog stalker! B/c we know that I love you. I'm still not really sure why we haven't spent more time together. Want to do lunch this week or next? I loved your post. I think your nuts for running but you go girl. Lorisa and Amy W did that last year and are thinking about doing another one! Also, about the prophesying bit. Amen to all of it. What a sweet gift from the Lord to allow us to encourage each other in that way! Enough for today... or at least now. I check blogs a million times a day. :) Love you.

Shan Renee said...

Sis, first, thank you for you sweet words to me on my blog. They were so uplifitng. Second, I am glad to see you blogging! I just love it! And, I am a blog stalker...I mean I was faithfully checking back through your dry spell. LOL. Finally, I just want to tell you that you are an amazing woman and wife. You are an encouragement to me. You have always stood beside me through everything. I am so tremendously grateful for you. Your love and devotion to your family is amazing. You are so strong. I am so excited to see what God is doing in your life. What an amazing time you must be having. I can't wait to live there so we can have our regular Starbuck's meetings!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! And, Clay...I love you too. BAM!!! (imagine my fist flying at your face) LOL!