Thursday, December 06, 2007

Carol of Lights!

Well, it's that time of year already!! That's right Raider fans-- THE CAROL OF LIGHTS!! Clay and I went to Lubbock last weekend to join in the festivities and watch the lights of Tech campus shine for the first time this Christmas season. We got to see family and lots of old friends. It was a lot of fun. Just another reminder of how abundant our life is. We are rich indeed. Here's the pics from the weekend. Enjoy!!
p.s. The genius that I am, I forgot to bring my camera to the Carol of Lights... so... just use your imagination.

Me and Katie (she was one of my professors at Tech)
Love her.

Clay and Katie... not real sure what's going on here.

me, Katie, Larry (aka "THE NEAL"), Clay, and Melanie
Larry and Melanie were our first landlords as a married couple. She was our professor for our "Relationships" class (I'm not making this up) and she offered to let us rent her upstairs "apartment" for the 6 months we'd be in Lubbock after we were married. It was the best thing we ever did. YAY FOR NEALS!!!!!

Sair-bear & me (my longest roomie ever...well... until Clay).

She's single... in case anyone wants to know. Who doesn't appreciate a girl who can make ya laugh?!?!

Daniel (my oldest bro), bein' dramatic... shocker.


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