Clay is at a new job!! WOO HOO! We are super excited and he is really enjoying it. It's called Razor Competitive Edge and it's an advertising agency. They have a pretty sweet website so check it out. Don't ask me what all he is doing there because I couldn't really tell you. It sounds fun though whenever he tells me what he does all day. Anyway, the Lord really helped us out with that one. We are so grateful and feel extremely blessed that Clay is where he is. So, thanks to all of you for your prayers.
I am still "working from home." I haven't really had that many jobs going on lately so I've been keeping busy trying to be a good wife and take care of my sweet husband. Here are some designs I've been working on for various things.

Izzie is doing well. We are letting her ears grow out and they get leaves caught in them a lot, but she sure does look sweet. I don't know what I would do without that precious little dog. I mean, how do people survive without them?? I'll never understand that.
Shan was here this past week -- that's right, I said A WEEK! She got to stay a whole week with us... that's seven days people!! It was a blast. We took all kinds of pictures that you can see on her blog. I would put them on my blog, but blogger is being retarded so just go look at her website. It's more fun anyway.
OH!! And we're going to Maryland in 16 days!! Clay and I are going to spend a week with my grandparents in Bel Air, MD -- eatin' crabs, Atlantic City, D.C., Havre De Grace, Sam's subs, Gohl's bakery!!!!!!! I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
"You know Lloyd, just when I think you couldn't be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself."
I had given up hope of you ever blogging again. I was going to look one last time. And, what?!?!?!?!? To my amazement, there was a new post! Welcome back sis!
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