Hey everyone, long time no blog. I know you all have just been DYING to know what the heck is going on with us... (i hope ya'll are picking up the sarcasm there). Anyway, we are settling into our new place in Carrollton. It is absolutely perfect!! It is a totally cute one bedroom apartment, perfect for newlyweds (that's us!!). We are still trying to unpack all of the boxes and find a place for everything. It seems like you never know how much "crap" you've got until you move. I think we are in serious need of a garage sale. Anyway, I just finished my first week at my new job and it's fabulous. It is definately a big change from what I am used to, but I love the challenge and the people I work with are really amazing. Clay begins his training sometime this week (we hope) and he is really excited about it. Life has definately been crazy busy and lots and lots of stuff has happened. My sweet brother and amazingly wonderful sister (in-law, but whatever she is totally my real sister i just know it!) had a huge loss this past week and need all the prayers you've got. And of course Clay and I are just trying to get our feet under us financially so we could definately use some prayer there also. So, here's a few pics from what's been going on over here. Hopefully this will hold you over til something else cool happens.
Us with Mel & Larry Neal, our landlords (sort of)
Our first place... empty.
pulling into our new apartment complex!!!!
Daniel & Shanna,
I love you guys more than words could possibly ever say. You are both in my thoughts and prayers like every second it seems like. I miss you both so much and wish I could be there with you. Can't wait to see you again. I love you.

Daniel & Shanna,
I love you guys more than words could possibly ever say. You are both in my thoughts and prayers like every second it seems like. I miss you both so much and wish I could be there with you. Can't wait to see you again. I love you.
Jess and Clay,
We sure miss you guys, but we are so excited for you! I can't wait to see pics of the new place! Thank you so much for all of your prayers. God has definitely answered and is carrying us through! We love you and can't wait to see you!
Daniel & Shan
Okay, you guys are just way to cute! It's so much fun being a newlywed! I love it that you're in Dallas now. I fell on your blog when I did a search on our church, and you had posted about doing the graphics for the women's retreat. I hope to see you all at church. Come by the house anytime!
Holly O'Quinn
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