Sunday, April 23, 2006

Easter Boo-Yeah!!

Ok, so I've been a little busy lately and haven't gotten a chance to update this thing in a while. So, here it is. Clay and I spent Easter with my folks in Dallas. I just love Easter. Clay had never dyed eggs until he met me and I was shocked of course! So, here's the pics from our egg fest. Enjoy!Dad looking tough with the Easter eggs. Oooo, scary.
the set up
Clay's beautiful egg to match his beautiful cute little self
the line up
That's me... in case you couldn't tell
The fam I'm sad... you'll see why later on. But look how hot my husband looks!!!!

I worked really hard on this one and then I dropped it... *sniff, sniff*

1 comment:

Shan Renee said...

Looks like fun! Great lookin' eggs!!! I'm sad that we had to miss it!